sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Libro interactivo de los alumnos de 4º de ESO

"Didapages" is a very useful tool to create your own interactive book. You have to download it on your computer then you can design your book and finally you can upload  it into google sites and get an url to insert in your blog. 
My students of 4th of ESO have designed it to commemorate the International Women´s Day on 8th March. I´m sure you will like it. It was a really hard job!!!

Click on the picture and the book will open then read the texts about famous important English and American Women and drag your mouse on the answer to find out if you are right or wrong.

 El libro interactivo lo han realizado los alumnos de 4º eso. Ellos han elegido 9 mujeres inglesas o americanas importantes en la historia y han escrito una redacción con preguntas muy sencillas para que todo el mundo pueda realizar las "reading comprehension".

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